sunday half & Full-Day meditations


Next sitting to be announced
Hokoji offers zazenkai (day-long meditation gathering). Please check back soon for the next offering. During zazenkai lunch will be served in the house. We will eat oryoki style lunch. Hokoji has several oryoki sets; if you have an oryoki set, bring it for your use. Please let us know if you plan to attend so we can plan accordingly.

Next half-day meditations: May 5th, 2024; and June 2nd; and July 7th.
Hokoji also offers a half-day of meditation once a month on the first Sunday morning of the month. Sunday half-day meditation is a good opportunity to deepen your samadhi (focus) through extending the time of meditation from one period to four. It is also a good precursor to attending a retreat. You are welcome to come for all or part of the morning. The meditation schedule begins at 7:50am, ends around 11:30 am, and includes seated and walking meditation, and a discussion of Buddhist teachings. Please bring a bag lunch and join us afterwards for casual conversation in the house to learn more about our community and practice.

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