sunday half-day meditation
Hokoji offers a half-day of meditation once a month on the first Sunday morning of the month. Sunday half-day meditation is a good opportunity to deepen your samadhi (focus) through extending the time of meditation from one period to four. It is also a good precursor to attending a retreat. You are welcome to come for all or part of the morning. The meditation schedule begins at 7:50am and ends around 11:30am. The schedule encompasses seated and walking meditation, and a discussion of Buddhist teachings. If you will be arriving late or leaving early - we ask that you please enter and exit quietly during kinhin (see schedule below for when each kinhin starts / ends).
Next full-day sitting to be announced
Hokoji offers zazenkai (day-long meditation gathering). During zazenkai lunch is served in the house, oryoki style. Hokoji has several oryoki sets; if you have an oryoki set, bring it for your use. Registration is necessary for full-day sittings.